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My hard work paid off: Vijeta, UPSC 2023 AIR 100 rank holder

Hailing from Hubballi in Karnataka, Vijeta B Hosamani secured All-India Rank 100 in the Union Public Service Commission exam of 2023. It was the 27-year-old’s fourth attempt, and she tells us why this was “different”. “After my first three attempts I realised that prelims are not just about testing knowledge but I also had to develop an aptitude for solving multiple choice questions. What helped me get through is figuring out the right way to go about the different stages of the exams rather than focusing on expanding my knowledge,” she shares.
Coming from a humble background, Hosamani was taught to . “look beyond oneself and be of service to the society in whatever capacity”. “I always knew I had to follow that and pursued law to achieve the same. Somewhere down the line I realised that my passion would be fulfilled through civil services and not litigation. That’s when I decided to give my first attempt, in 2020,” she tells us.
Ask her what was the first reaction when she saw her result, Hosamani says, “I was over the moon as my hard work had paid off and I would get to serve the nation now. Given my rank, I’m hopeful that I will get the Indian Revenue Services (IRS). I chose it as my second preference, Indian Administrative Services (IAS) being first.” She hopes to be a “sincere civil servant” and do her duty to the best of her abilities.
For all the UPSC aspirants, Hosmani has a message: “Everyone’s journey is different. When we see snippets of toppers sharing their experiences, they give a refined picture. It doesn’t reveal what toll life takes on them several times. Toppers also face setbacks. We must look at our own journey thoroughly rather than focussing on anyone else’s. Primarily introspection and self-confidence should be the focus.”
